stories of children with adventure...

JAGUARETES IN THE YUNGAS - Proyecto-Bio-Gonzalo-Alvarez.

JAGUARETES IN THE YUNGAS is a very significant work, since from a more marked figuration in his abstract style the artist can express his environmental knowledge. This work is linked to the subsistence of the most beautiful Latin American feline. The Yaguareté, also called jaguar, panthera onca or better known as the Creole tiger of Argentina. The feline has been declared a national monument (Law 25.463) and there are only about 250 individuals left in three different regions of our national territory: Misiones jungle, Chaco forest and Yungas. The artist says that its habitat has been considerably reduced in recent years and this work is a call to conserve it.


With this work of art, Gonzalo offers us a new proposal, the creation of a book with children’s stories and drawings about Jaguars. The artist’s wish is that the book be made and written only by Spanish-speaking children between the ages of 8 and 14 so that they can sensitize a society that is often indifferent to these issues.

The book will be called: “JAGUARETES IN THE YUNGAS” stories of children with adventure. It will be achieved with the selection of the best forty (40) stories and children’s stories about these three felines lost and disoriented in their jungle.

The objective of the “JAGUARETES IN THE YUNGAS” Artistic-Literary Contest, stories of children with adventure, is to create a dynamic and witty book with a fresh and defined look to sensitize society about human behavior. It also has the purpose of school integration, the connection between children from different cities and different Latin American countries, covering common issues that make the protection of the habitat, of the different species that inhabit it and of these felines in their natural environment. The strength of innocence as a common language.