BIO Project is an itinerant art expo that involves us from another place in the awareness of the environment. The works of art are my inspiration to initiate an environmental dialogue in the educational community and in a meeting of mutual learning with the children, accompanying the teachers in the process.
This paradigm shift that I propose in education, through environmental training, is both in the way we communicate and in the way we interact with the little ones. This coexistence is key to reaching new spiritual levels of confidence and self-esteem in harmony with nature.
The works of art channel environmental issues that challenge us all emotionally and lead us to find ourselves in reflection. Environmental art experiential workshops are essential in all educational stages, starting from early childhood, to heal “the now” and achieve empathic and strong children from the beginning.
My art is my legacy. It provides content and enables a genuine exchange to the real encounter with the other. The artistic practice and the didactic experiences allow to consolidate the necessary knowledge to achieve in turn a greater natural, environmental and cultural awareness with nature.
By strengthening the positive emotions of children and their basic trust, we will be able to transform the human errors of the past into concrete solidarity actions that allow us to conserve the planet we have, reaching together concrete challenges that allow us to transcend from love as a species.

Gonzalo Alvarez – Artist and Environmental educator. Born on April 30, 1974 in Morón in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He demonstrated his vocation for art when he was only 7 years old and since then he trusted in his inner will and in his potential.
He is the author and creator of the BIO Project since the year 2000. Currently he is sponsored by the national State, foundations and embassies. Declared by the CABA Legislature – Dec. No. 232/2011 of cultural, educational, social and environmental interest of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires for his contribution to the city in different areas and public presentations during all these years in his constant commitment.
The artist has been developing his environmental educational task for children, youth and adults for many years. His art and his sensitive style with a view towards the conservation of native species, shed light on environmental issues that make up the region, species and natural ecosystems of the country; as well as international species and ecosystems. This action, accompanying children in terms of emotional education, is also his art.
His passion and dedication to the task of raising awareness with his art of so much color marks the course towards a culture of good use of natural resources, of meeting and enjoying all the good things that Nature offers us.
2021, 2024 – ART AND EMOTIONS. The artist continues with his educational seminars at the federal level for teachers and references for children. He in turn continues to design works of art.
March to November 2020 – The artist created a professional seminar segmented into 5 federal levels. This seminar is aimed at teachers and children’s role models to enhance their own abilities. It is entitled “Art and Emotions” and includes issues related to education, the environment, culture and emotional education in the classroom.
October 2019 – Expo “THE ART OF CONSCIOUSNESS” in the Honorable Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, free expo and open to the educational community and to all public.
September 2019 – UCAE Art Week. Special guest, carrying out all the workshops of the BIO Project. In UPSALA College of Calafate, province of Santa Cruz.
July 2019 – Week of art and environmental education workshops in a rural school in the province of Chaco with a Mocoví community – Independence Day.
April 2019 – Art workshops, environmental education and coexistence with Fundación Fepaís. Meetings with children, adolescents and adults from different indigenous Guarani communities in the Misiones jungle in the Province of Misiones.
August 2018 – Art and Environmental education workshops for public schools, first and second childhood in San Cristóbal province of Santa Fe. Special guest to the Science Fair program at the Santo Domingo School.
June 2018 – Pilar Federal Cultural Center – Province of Buenos Aires. Future exhibition, art workshops and environmental education for children and adolescents.
April/May 2018 – Emotional education meetings. Art workshops and environmental education in Iguazú, Libertad and Andresito province of Misiones for original and indigenous communities within the Misiones jungle.
August 2017 – Pilar Federal Cultural Center – Province of Buenos Aires. Exhibition, art workshops and environmental education for children and adolescents.
June/2017 – INTI RAYMI – Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation. First meeting and Ceremony of the Rebirth of the Sun with the Original Peoples – Directorate of Original Peoples. Environmental art workshops for children.
June/2017 – Environment Week – Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation. Second meeting of Citizen Participation – Environmental art workshops for children.
April/2017 – Within the framework of Earth Day and for a whole week, the educational-environmental movement “Con los Pies en la Tierra” together with the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Argentine Nation and the Environmental Management of the locality of July 9 in the Province of Buenos Aires, they carried out the environmental conferences and workshops of the BIO Project for the entire educational and citizen community.
Feb-Mar/2017 – Mother Nature. BIO project linked to environmental awareness – Carlos Thays Botanical Garden – Environmental workshops.
12/10/12/2016 – Various Art Workshops and Environmental Education. Integration murals in Kindergartens No. 901 and No. 926 of the Province of Buenos Aires.
05/2016 – Celebration of Environment Week at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation – First meeting of Citizen Participation. Environmental art workshops for boys.
04/2016 – Month of art, meetings, murals and art workshops at the Fundación Por los Chicos.
06/2015 Art and environmental education workshops for children – BIO Project – Carlos Thays Botanical Garden of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
06/2013 Community and solidarity mural at the Sonrisas Foundation Social and Solidarity Center of Monte Grade.
Year 2013 Throughout the year full professor of art in charge of the art workshop at the Sonrisas Foundation Social and Solidarity Center in Monte Grande.
08/2010 Art workshops and environmental education for children – BIO Project – Japanese Garden of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
06/2009 Art workshops and environmental education for children – BIO Project – Carlos Thays Botanical Garden of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
08/2008 Art and environmental education workshops for children – BIO Project – General Directorate of Museums – Av. de los Italianos Puerto Madero.
08/2007 Art and environmental education workshops for children – BIO Project – Cornelio Saavedra Historical Museum, City of Buenos Aires.
10/2005 Art and environmental education workshops for children – BIO Project – Benito Quinquela Martín Fine Arts Museum, La Boca, City of Buenos Aires.
04/2005 Art and environmental education workshops for children – BIO Project – Borges Cultural Center – City of Bs. As.
11/2004 “29/11 Ecology Day” – BIO Project – Art workshops and environmental education for children. Organized and invited by the Municipality of Las Flores – Prov. Bs. As.
11/2004 “Youth Environmental Exhibition 2004” – BIO Project – Art workshops and environmental education for children. Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development of the Nation – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
11/2001 “Buenos Aires II Workshops”.
Directorate of Historical Affairs of the Argentine Army, San Telmo Bs. As.
Last collective exhibition was held together with Nora Corradetti’s art workshop, presenting here a single piece, the first work created by modules. The work of art “Animal Kingdom” began to be designed in the year 2000. Seeing the work finished and on display, generated a great change in the artist, a new inner revolution and great expectation. His desire to evolve, to expand, to express his travels and his environmental ideas in colors led him to greater inspiration in solitude: to make his dream of communicating art come true, of telling the reason for his work and of creating bridges. “Works of art to heal and to bring us closer to environmental awareness”, is how the artist defines it. In 2001, the first great work that gave rise to the way of life, called BIO Project, is presented, even without knowing it completely.
09/2000 “Coloring Today” (Collective Exhibition). Headquarters of the Honorable Deliberative Council, San Isidro, Bs. As.
11/1999 “Workshops of Buenos Aires I” (Collective Exhibition). Directorate of Historical Affairs of the Argentine Army, San Telmo Bs. As.
11/1997 “Reasons and Chromatic emotions” (Collective Exhibition). Villa San Juan, Art Walk, San Isidro, Bs. As.
08/1997 “Travel” (Individual Exhibition). Bar Association of San Isidro, Buenos Aires.
09/1996 “Mine, Yours, Ours” (Collective Exhibition). Bar Association of San Isidro, Buenos Aires.
07/1996 “The Creative” (Collective Exhibition). Villa San Juan, Art Walk, San Isidro, Bs. As.
01/1996 (Individual Show). Villa San Juan, Art Walk, San Isidro, Bs. As.
11/1993 “The Workshop is Exposed” (Collective Exhibition). House of Culture of San Isidro, San Isidro, Bs. As.
08/1993 “Auction Art” (Collective Exhibition). La Cancela Viewpoint, San Isidro Gallery, Bs. As.
07/1993 “IV Youth Hall 1993” Collective Exhibition. Special mention. House of Culture of San Isidro, San Isidro, Bs. As.
09/1992 “Why do we paint” (Collective Exhibition). Department of Culture of San Isidro, San Isidro, Bs. As.
05/1991 “The Emptiness of the Encounter” (Collective Exhibition). Bar Association of San Isidro, Buenos Aires.
11/1990 Collective murals at the Escuti Institution – Córdoba Province
06/2000 “III University Conference on Interior Design 2000” University of Palermo, Bs. As.
1992-2000 Student of the Art Workshop: Nora Corradetti, San Isidro Bs. As.
1990-1991 Student of the Art Workshop: Eumelia Bravo, Province of Córdoba, Capital.
Conference on Environmental Education – Carlos Thays Botanical Garden.
Architecture, Faculty of Design and Urbanism U.B.A.
Master of the Pa-Kua, Ancient Eastern Knowledge.